Saturday, February 27, 2010


We've all been there before. Its Friday night happy hour at you and your chum's favorite haunt and your Manhattan is well-balanced, ice-cold and delicious. You go back Tuesday and a different bartender serves you one that tastes like pure, unfiltered jet fuel. At Sunday brunch, the Manhattan you receive is alright - not as good as Friday's mind you - but, the cherry is missing. Monday, you realize maybe you are drinking too many Manhattans, but that's another story.
The takeaway here is that people like things to be the same way that they were the last time they had them at a restaurant. There are so many ways that proper consistency can go awry that it can often be a challenge to stay on top of it. Inconsistent portions, flavors, presentations, service styles - these are all obstacles that block the repeat business of your customers.
Whether its in the back or the front of the house, the potential for inconsistency abounds. Steering one's way clear of these pitfalls consists of a number of measures and methods. It all begins with proper, monitored training, but consistency must constantly be assessed.
To learn more about what measures you and your business can take to ensure this vital piece of the puzzle fits into place, contact me at to discuss a personalized consultation. Thanks again for stopping by, and be sure to check in tomorrow for the continued tales of Kenny Bloggins, and Saturday for the recipe of the week - its going to be a sweet surprise! Then on Monday...back to business. Until then...


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