Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ingredients for Success

Welcome back to Running Restaurants 101! Today we'll examine some of the most fundamental ingredients in creating a successful and profitable restaurant. Some of the topics below seem like real no-brainers, but many times along the way it is all to easy to forget the simple basics. For this reason it is always crucial to review the following with your staff - call it a gentle reminder of why we're all a part of this crazy business in the first place.
All the elements above have one major thing in common - they all amount to guest satisfaction, and without that you have no hope. That's just the way the pickle squirts. So, without further ado, let's more closely examine the ingredients of this recipe. Over the next few days we'll take a look at each of these components individually and decipher how to achieve optimum results in all of these areas. So, until tomorrow, mangi bene e sia bene! Grazie!


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