Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Grub, Charlie Brown!

I was 20 years old, on a road trip with my mom and dad from Paonia, Colorado to Anaheim, California to visit some relatives we hadn't seen in far too long. I was laid out in the back seat of my dad's cherry '77 New Yorker. The backseat was more like a bed, and as
HMS Swordfish (61S)Image via Wikipedia
I was swiftly on my way to what would surely would have been a beautiful nap filled with California dreams, my dad pulled into an unassuming restaurant around Barstow. And, though I will unfortunately never be able to remember the name of the establishment, I will never forget the swordfish I ate there that day.
When you can fondly recollect a meal you had 14 years ago, it's pretty safe to assume it was something special. I've had a few meals like that. The kind that seem to stick in your mind like a fantastic dream that only seems to get better with every passing day. But, before I wax too poetic, I should probably get down to what this article is all about in the first place; food.
I don't care if you have the finest service in the world and a location that surpasses all others - if your restaurants product is not outstanding, people will generally not return.
There are lessons to be learned regarding the importance of exemplary product,and the lessons must be an emulsion of Ma and Pop mentality mixed with corporate structure and a dash of nuance and imagination.
Over the next few days my blog will focus on some of the most crucial aspects of providing great product to the customer - and be sure that doing it right is NOT all about the taste. Check back to see what I'm talking about. Until then...mangi bene e sia bene! Grazie!


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