Saturday, February 20, 2010

Suggestive Sales

There are a couple of service behaviors that occasionally chap my hide when I'm dining out. The first is when a server takes suggestive selling too far and tries to shove the highest priced menu items down my throat. The second is when a server I don't know from Adam sits down in the booth next to me or my girlfriend and starts reciting the specials. I've always wished I'd see one of the servers that has done that to me while they're dining out at some random restaurant. I'd love to sit down next to their dates, saying, "Hey buddy! Remember me? How's it going? I really liked how you sat down for ten minutes with every customer in your section while I didn't have ketchup for my hamburger."
It's not that I'm antisocial, and I certainly don't have anything against suggestive selling - but, it's got to be done correctly - in a way that's neither obnoxious or invasive. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to skin that cat.
Suggestive selling, when done appropriately, benefits everyone; the owners, the tipped employees, and best of all, the customer. When servers genuinely and professionally provide options for the guest they have an opportunity to personalize the diner's experience and display their knowledge of the restaurant and its product at the same time. Meanwhile, the trickle-down nature of the increased sales helps to fill the restaurant till while lining the pockets of anyone that works in a tipshare.
Like any other aspect of your training package, successful suggestive selling techniques need to be coached and rehearsed. Likewise, tracking systems should be created to examine the benefits of suggestive sales coaching. Putting the information into the context of dollars and sense will ensure that everyone involved will be on board. Creating challenging and fun sales contests with staff members can also be good incentive. In the end, the the effects on the bottom line can often be quite impressive.
A large portion of my training packages and presentations focus heavily on suggestive sales techniques. If you'd like to learn more, email me at for further information.
Friday, the ongoing tale of Kenny Bloggins continues on this site. The next day is family recipe Saturday. Next week we'll get back down to talking about making the most of your business!
So, until tomorrow...
mangi bene e sia bene! Grazie!


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